







2019. 5 — 2020.6   美国塔夫兹大学Tufts访问学者

2016.12 — 2017.4   美国印第安纳大学访问学者


[1] 20212023 河北省高等学校科学技术研究重点项目:基于多元特征融合分析的食品产地溯源技术研究(ZD2021012

[2] 20162018国家自然科学基金:冬枣产地特征元素筛选与溯源方法研究(31501447

[3] 2013-2015河北自然科学基金会:基于元素指纹特征的冬枣产地溯源方法研究(B2013201355

[4] 2012-2014公益性科研专项基金:地理标志产品典型中药材鉴定技术研究(2012104019

[5] 20082011年河北省教育厅自然科学基金:蜂蜜挥发性成分与质量相关性研究(2008310


[1] 夏立娅. 农产品产地鉴别技术研究,中国质检出版社,2016.09

[2] 夏立娅. 现代仪器分析技术. 中国计量出版社,, 2016.09

[3] 刘峥颢, 吴广臣, 夏立娅. 标准与标准化. 中国计量出版社, 2006.02.


[1] XL Tian, C Li, Z Wang, LY Xia*, Al Robbat. Application of Feature Selection Algorithms to Select Elements that Distinguish Regional Differences in Chinese Grown Winter Jujube Fruit (Zizyphus jujuba Mill. cv. Huanghua Dongzao) [J]. Food Analytical Methods. 2021, 14(4): 653-662. (SCI,二区)

[2] LY Xia, XT LI, XY LI, et al. Optimization of Traceability Model of Ziziphus Jujuba Geographic Origin by Multi-element Analysis Combined SIMCA, Journal of Hebei University [J], 2016, 36(4): 374-379.

[3] LY Xia, W GAO, YP LI, et al. Identification of Ziziphus Jujuba origin by multi-element analysis, Science and Technology of Food Industry [J], 2016, 37(24): 49-52.

[4] LY Xia, SG Shen, ZH Liu, et al. Identification of geographical origins of rice with pattern recognition technique by near infrared spectroscopy [J]. Spectroscopy and spectral analysis, 2013, 33(1): 102-105. SCI/EI

[5] HW Sun, LY Xia, SZ Liang, et al. The Correlation of Inorganic Anion Contents in Rice and Its Soils Based on Four Geographical Origin[J]. Food Analytical Methods. 2014, 7(9): 1791-1797.SCI

[6] SG Shen, LY Xia, Na Xiong, et al. Determination of the geographic origin of rice by element fingerprints and correlation analyses with the origin soil [J]. Analytical Methods. 2013, 5(21): 6177-6185. SCI

[7] LY Xia, XT Li, PY Chen, et al. Identification of Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Powder and Ganoderma Lucidum Powder Based on Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Cluster Analysis [J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 971:280-283.EI

[8] XY Li, LY Xia, PY Chen, et al. Identification of the Content of Ganoderma Lucidum Powder in Ganoderma Lucidum Spore Powder Based on Near-infrared Spectroscopy and Partial Least Squares [J], Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 590: 656-659.EI

[9] SG Shen, LY Xia, DJ Gong, et al. Determination of the geographic origin of rice by chemometrics with the ethyl acetate extracts from rice [J]. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 746: 68-71. EI

[10] LY Xia, XT Li, C Li. HPLC fingerprint of the Ethyl acetate extracts from Xiangshui rice [C]. Proceedings of 2009 international conference of natural product and traditional medicine, 2009:632-636. EI

[11] LY Xia, YY Han, LH Kuang, et al. Simultaneous determination of basic orange2metanil yellowtartrazinesunset yellow in bean-product and acid orangeⅡ,ponceau 2RRhodanmine B in chili powder by thin-layer chromatographic scanning [J]. Chinese journal of analysis laboratory, 29(6): 15-18.

[12] LY Xia, LH Kuang, GC Wu. Determination of basic orange 2 in foodstuffs by improved high performance liquid chromatography [J]. Science and technology of food industry, 2009, 30(1):304-306.

[13] LY Xia, GC Wu, YY Han. Simultaneous qualitative analysis of basic orange 2, metanil yellow, ponceau 2R and other mixed pigments in food by TLC [J]. Science and technology of food industry, 2009, 30(6):296-300.


[1] 一种基于多元素多离子耦合技术的党参产地鉴别方法


申请号:201410604803.8   申请日期:2014.10.31

[2] 基于特征元素含量鉴别龙泉灵芝孢子粉的方法


申请号:201410570610.5   申请日期:2014.10.23

[3] 一种快速无损鉴别初榨橄榄油和油橄榄果渣油的方法


申请号:201210241033.6   申请日期:2012.07.12

[4] 一种快速无损检测破壁灵芝孢子粉破壁率的方法


申请号:201410231065.7   申请日期:2014.05.28

[5]  一种用近红外光谱技术鉴别响水大米的方法


申请号:201010033381.5   申请日期:2010.01.18


[1] 地理标志产品产地识别与质量保护关键技术研究及应用,国家市场监管总局 二等奖,2021.8,第三完成人.

[2] 地理标志产品特征属性表征及应用,河北省科技进步奖 三等奖,2012.12,第二完成人.

[3] 蜂蜜挥发性组分指纹图谱及应用,保定市科技进步奖 二等奖,2012.06,第一完成人.

[4] 食品中违禁添加的非食品用原料识别与监测技术,河北省科技进步奖 二等奖,2013.12,第七完成人.

